Me, the random photographer

Me, the random photographer

Thursday, April 28, 2011

[04.27.11] I'm in Blue Whales!

I must have heard that about a million times before this chicken little got to go to swimming lessons.  It really started to get annoying: "Graham, tomorrow's swimming... Graham, TOMORROW'S SWIMMING!" over and over, but passing from "Bull Frogs" to "Blue Whales" really is quite an accomplishment.  High five kiddo!  For those who are wondering what's all this talk of sea-creatures (or pond creatures, in the case of the bull frogs), these are a few of the names the Red Cross has chosen for the swimming classes these days, instead of the impersonal old "Level 2" and "Level 3" system that I had just a few years back.  Takes away some of the competition between the youngsters, I suppose.  Anyhow, now yer clued in. ;)  

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